Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter's True Message

Here I go again. Today I am completely mesmerized. I'm shattered and feeling and explicit peace. Doesn't make sense, I know. But when someone gives their life for yours despite your sins, what can you then do? Say thanks? How can you say thanks to a dead man? How can you pay back such a big debt?
That's right, you can't! How then would you feel when you see the man that died for you come back to life? Shocked, relieved, angry? He paid the ultimate price for what you did, not what he did. How humbling is that?!
The only payback is your life. Everyday you live according to his will. Not as a slave, but as a willing free man. Such a big price for your sins. The price of sin is death, but we are sanctified through Christ who laid down his life for ours. Remember this day and remember to serve God even in the little things today. Ask your neighbor how he's doing and actually listen. Tell your children of Christ's sacrifice. Tell them that they can be anything if they have enough faith in God. He opens doors and guides our paths.
Forgive each other for everything~ don't hold onto that grudge. Did Christ hold one against you? I thought not. He is risen!