Sunday, March 17, 2013

Psalm 15

Lord, Lord who can live in your temple? Who can ever dare to wander in your heavenly gates? Oh, Lord, those traits which we must own to, how can we achieve them? We are weak and vulnerable humans. We don't have the disciple to walk blameless or do what is right. We don't know how to say the truth and not do wrong to our friends. How can we despise a bad person and honor you?
Aren't we all full of blame? Aren't we all  foolish and can't come close? Our weak souls don't know how to keep an oath when it hurts.
Is there a way for man? Is there truly a way? Only through Christ Jesus, our saviour. Teach us, O Lord, to follow you and to be cleared of our folly. Help us to honor you through what we do. Help us to not be shaken. Be our Rock. Be our Strength.

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